Categories: Horror Movie News

Brahms brings tragedy to a family in The Boy II TV spots

Although I enjoyed director William Brent Bell's 2016 film THE BOY a lot more than I expected to, I keep forgetting that Bell has a sequel coming out soon. BRAHMS: THE BOY II is set to reach theatres on February 21st, and hopefully the general audience is more aware of the film's impending release than I have been. 

TV spots will help remind people that THE BOY II is coming soon, and a batch of four of them have arrived online. You can see them all in the video embedded above.

Written by Stacey Menear, who also wrote the first movie, BRAHMS: THE BOY II has the following synopsis:

 Unaware of the terrifying history of Heelshire Mansion, a young family moves into the estate, where their young son soon makes an unsettling new friend, an eerily life-like doll he calls Brahms.

The film stars Katie Holmes as Liza, Ralph Ineson as Joseph, Anjali Jay as Dr. Lawrence, Owain Yeoman as Sean, Christopher Convery as Jude, Natalie Moon as Pamela, and Fabio William as Brahms. 

Produced by Matt Berenson, Gary Lucchesi, Tom Rosenberg, Jim Wedaa, Eric Reid, Roy Lee, and Richard S. Wright, BRAHMS: THE BOY II is rated PG-13 for "violence, terror, brief strong language and thematic elements." 

I actually do want to see this movie, I just have to remember that it's going to be in theatres before the end of this month.

Our own Lance Vlcek was able to visit the set, you can read his reports HERE and HERE.

Published by
Cody Hamman