Categories: Horror Movie News

Brendan Fraser must protect his children from Dominic Purcell & Ethan Suplee in Split Decision

Is it Brendan “Fray-zhure”? Is it “Fray-zer”? Fray-sir? What the f*ck is this guy’s name?!?

While I work that one out, I’ll have you know Fraser is set to top-line a stalk-and-hunt thriller called SPLIT DECISION for Rollercoaster Entertainment and Vortex Words + Pictures. Damian Lee is writing and directing, Fraser will be playing a father hellbent on protecting his two children from a pair of murders tracking them down in the woods. Dominic Purcell and Ethan Suplee will be playing the heavies, respectively.

The plot kicks off when two children (Holly Deveaux and Christian Martin) witness a murder while on a wilderness camping trip with a family friend (Daniel Kash). When two criminal brothers, (Dominic Purcell and Ethan Suplee) start to hunt down the children to silence them, Fraser’s father-figure sets out to rescue them. Amy Price-Francis (below) appears as the children’s mother.

Reminds me of THE RIVER WILD, which I guess has its pros and cons. SPLIT DECISION is set to lens soon in Ontario, Canada. Fraser is producing alongside Gary Howsam, Bill Marks and Jeff Sackman.

Published by
Jake Dee