Categories: Movie News

Bruckheimer confirms National Treasure 3, Disney+ series now in development

Grab your sack of flint rocks and a sextant, because the NATIONAL TREASURE franchise is coming back in more ways than one!

During a recent interview with Jerry Bruckheimer, Collider's own Steve Weintraub was given an update on the now-confirmed development of a third installment in the National Treasure film series, and was told that a series based on the franchise is underway for the Disney+ streaming platform.

“We’re certainly working on one [National Treasure] for streaming and we’re working on one for the big screen. Hopefully, they’ll both come together and we’ll bring you another National Treasure, but they’re both very active….The one for Disney+ is a much younger cast. It’s the same concept but a young cast. The one for theatrical would be the same cast," Bruckheimer revealed to the outlet while also talking up his new Starz series HIGHTOWN.

In what's been revealed so far, we know that director Jon Turtletaub's National Treasure 3 has BAD BOYS FOR LIFE writer Chris Bremner in charge of penning the script, which is currently still int he process of being written. Moreover, Bruckheimer gave an update on the planned National Treasure Disney+ series, which the filmmaker hinted is coming along quite nicely.

“The film version is being written right now. The television version is in process. We have a pilot script done and an outline of the future episodes,” said Bruckheimer to the entertainment outlet.

Both directed by Turtletaub, the National Treasure films follow historian and procurer of archaeological relics, Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage), as he scavenges hidden areas of the United States for priceless artifacts. For the moment, it remains unclear if Cage will be involved with the making of the Disney+ series. This last bit is a real shame, as Cage's signature brand of crazy-eyed antics helped make the first two films a goofy, easily-digestible action delight for fans of all ages. My guess is that Disney will want to build the show around a much younger cast, but perhaps Cage can cameo as some sort of "passing of the torch" for those involved. Either way, the idea of National Treasure coming back for another romp around the U.S. sounds real good right about now, does it not? I'm sure that we could all use a good laugh, and it's been a hot minute since we've had an Uncharted-like adventure on the big or small screen. I say bring it on. And Disney, please do whatever you can to get Cage on board. His presence would lend a lot to the concept. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

Published by
Steve Seigh