Categories: Movie News

Byrne joins Knowing

Cutie-pie Rose Byrne (TROY, 28 WEEKS LATER) has just joined over-actor extraordinaire Nicolas Cage in the sci-fi thriller KNOWING, which will be directed by Alex Proyas (helmer of the great CROW, and the not so great I, ROBOT).

From the Hollywood Reporter: Byrne will play the daughter of a woman who buried a 1962 time capsule bearing the dates of the assassinations of historical figures, the hotel fire death of the wife of a professor (Cage) and an imminent world apocalypse. After the professor discovers its contents and alerts her, the initially skeptical Byrne begins remembering strange incidents from her childhood.

Sounds interesting enough… Let’s hope Cage doesn’t do his whole bug-eyed yelling thing and screw it all up. Also, the screenplay was partially written by the people who dreamt up BOOGEYMAN, so be at least partially concerned…

Published by
Eric Walkuski