Categories: Horror Movie Trailers

Can a zombie become a perfect English lady? Peep the trailer for My Fair Zombie!

Do you think it’s even possible? To train a flesh-eating zombie to be a perfect English lady? .. Well we’ll soon find out in Brett Kelly’s MY FAIR ZOMBIE!

The rundown for the intriguing horror/comedy reads something like this:

My Fair Zombie is a horror comedy to be directed by Brett Kelly. Based on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, the story concerns a professor of phonetics who attempts to teach a zombie woman to be a proper English Lady. The script is by Kelly and frequent collaborator Trevor Payer (She-Rex).

Now we just got word on this shite and not only do we have a MY FAIR ZOMBIE poster for you guys to gawk at… but we’ve also got a trailer! Can’t beat that with a stick. Both goods can be found by scrolling directly below with the trailer also up in our videos section.

Sacha Gabriel stars in MY FAIR ZOMBIE as our flesh-eater and that’s basically all we’ve got on this one. But come on, isn’t that enough? We’ll of course be on the lookout for more updates regarding MY FAIR ZOMBIE but in the meantime you can go ahead and tap it’s official website.

MY FAIR ZOMBIE (2012) – Teaser Trailer

Published by
Jared Pacheco