Categories: Movie News

Candy Land movie still happening, will be like LOTR for kids

Because you demanded it, I bring to you your regular update on the CANDY LAND movie. Yes, it’s still happening. No, I’m not sure why. And yes, it does seem to defy all logic and common sense. Now, let’s see what else is new…

As it turns out the writers of KUNG FU PANDA 2, Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger, are also the writers tasked with writing an actual movie based on the board game for kids who haven’t yet learned how to read. And as it turns out, they’ve got some decidedly ambitious ideas for the film. Namely, LORD OF THE RINGS. Please, explain.

“We envision it as LORD OF THE RINGS, but set in a world of candy,” Berger says. Uh-huh. I’m not even sure what that really means (LORD OF THE RING POPS?) but Berger goes on to explain, “It has characters from [the board game] and takes the idea of people finding themselves in a world that happens to be made entirely of candy where there are huge battles going on.”

So in case you were worrying about CANDY LAND staying faithful to “Candy Land,” PHEW!, you can totally relax because Gramma Nutt will totally make an appearance.

Now keep in mind that just because CANDY LAND’s script is in active development, doesn’t mean it’s a shoe-in for a greenlight. I’d suspect that Universal will wait to see how BATTLESHIP, their mega-budgeted first attempt at a board game adaptation, will fare before giving the OK to this film. At least I hope so.

Published by
Mike Sampson