Categories: Movie News

Celebrate #HelaWeen all October with new Thor: Ragnarok treats

October is officially upon us, which means it’s time to get out your decorative skulls, bats, and spiders, buy plenty of pumpkins and get a shit ton of candy and then eat it all by yourself in the dark while neighbor kids pound on your door. It’s the most wonderfully haunting and creepy time of the year and Marvel means to celebrate it in style with 31 Days of #HelaWeen.

The celebration is named after the villain of their upcoming film, Hela from THOR: RAGNAROK (Cate Blanchett), and with it will come tons and tons of delicious treats. Every day, Marvel plans to unveil one new piece of RAGNAROK content until the end of the month, which will be followed by the movie’s release a few days later on November 3.

HelaWeen kicked off yesterday as Marvel released several RAGNAROK emojis on Twitter, with Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and Hela herself having been emoji-field. Take a look below, and fans should remember to stay glued to the Marvel Studios Twitter page to see what treats we get each day. But please do not egg or graffiti the page if it turns out to be less a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and more a sleeve of old pennies.

This is clearly a great piece of marketing, not only because of the festive play on words but because now we will get some awesome new THOR stuff every day. This could mean new footage, new images, new BTS goodies, etc. I can't even think of 31 things we could be getting. My brain stopped at three and then all I could imagine was "New Thor cereal," "King-sized Thor bed sheets," and "A Thor-sized man pillow that smells like Asgard."

THOR: RAGNAROK arrives November 3.

Published by
Matt Rooney