Categories: Movie News

Chabon to Mars

During a routine agency poaching scoop in which Nikki Finke over at “Deadline Hollywood Daily” reported on UTA stealing Pulitzer Prize winning author Michael Chabon away from CAA, she very nonchalantly drops the following little line: “Chabon also wrote on Spider-Man 2 and scripted John Carter Of Mars for Disney.” Hold the phone, sister. You mean the JOHN CARTER OF MARS Pixar is developing and Andrew Stanton’s directing? When in the name of Valhalla did this shit happen? Who knows but the folks over at Chabon fansite “The Amazing Website of Kavalier and Clay” had the same knee-jerk reaction and went straight to the source to ask him plainly WTF. His response: “I’ve been hired to do some revisions to an already strong script by Andrew Stanton and Mark Andrews. I wrote my original screenplay The Martian Agent back in 1995 because I wished I could do [Edgar Rice] Burroughs’s Barsoom. So this is pretty much a dream come true for me.” Whoa. This shit just got interesting.

Published by
Omar Aviles