Categories: Horror Movie News

Check out the first still from Ben Wheatley’s upcoming thriller Sightseers

Have you had a chance to tap Ben Wheatley’s KILL LIST yet? Word has it the thing kicks some major ass. If you have indeed seen that shite and agree with the ‘ass-kicking’ comment then you should be excited for today’s update!

You see it’s no secret that Wheatley is currently working on his follow-up to KILL LIST in the form of SIGHTSEERS. We’ve told you about this little diddy a few times already. But today we’ve actually got our first look at the film in the form of it’s first still! Natch!

The shot, which can be found by scrolling directly below, comes courtesy of Empire Online and is actually pretty boring… So we’ve got our stars walking in a large field… Or should I say ‘sightseeing in a large field?’ Whatever floats your boat folks. Just scroll on down below to tap that shite.

Speaking to Empire director Ben Wheatley also dished a little bit more on SIGHTSEERS: It’s not as dark as Kill List. I’d have to shoot a child in the head live on television to be darker than that, but it has the same humor and the same worldview. But it’s also quite romantic, a bit more of a love story.” Works for me!

Chris wants to show Tina his world and he wants to do it his way – on a journey through this sceptered isle in his beloved Abbey Oxford Caravan. Tina’s led a sheltered life and there are things that Chris needs her to see – the Crich Tramway Museum, the Ribblehead Viaduct, the Keswick Pencil Museum and the rolling countryside that separates these wonders in his life. But it doesn’t take long for the dream to fade. Litterbugs, noisy teenagers and pre-booked caravan sites, not to mention Tina’s meddling mother, soon conspire to shatter Chris’s dreams and send him, and anyone who rubs him up the wrong way, over a very jagged edge…

Starring Steve Oram and Alice Lowe, there’s no word on when we might be seeing SIGHTSEERS but as always we’ll be sure to bring you all any other updates that roll our way with this one.

Now THIS is what I call sightseeing!

Published by
Jared Pacheco