Categories: Movie News

Check out these animated storyboards for the abandoned Stretch Armstrong movie

Remember that STRETCH ARMSTRONG movie that Taylor Lautner was supposed to be in? Well since that was abandoned by both Relativity Media and Hasbro it looks like some of the storyboards have been leaked. There’s been no official confirmation on this but I can’t imagine who would want to.

According to a blog called Film Sketchr, the storyboards were created by Collin Grant (I AM LEGEND, THE MATRIX) and were brought to life by James Rothwell (IRON MAN, THOR). I love the art, however, this whole thing is a little silly. Stretch is shot and stabbed but nothing comes of him. I don’t recall Stretch Armstrong having any sort of story. He was a super stretchy toy that bled corn syrup when you cut it open. You weren’t supposed to do that but there were tons of kids who did. I laughed when I saw Lautner’s photo on the radar then laughed some more at the character’s attempt to punch a female villain. Can you imagine seeing a live-action version of this? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if you kept it animated but for now I’m just going to pass on this whole thing.

Relativity still holds the rights to the toy. Can’t see them doing anything with them any time soon.

Check it out below.

Published by
Niki Stephens