Categories: Movie News

Check out these unused costume designs for Spidey from The Amazing Spider-Man

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN has its fans and critics, but most people were pleased with Spidey's suit in Marc Webb's film. However, Andrew Garfield almost wore something very different for the film. Film Paint has released these very cool alternate costume designs for the character, and it gives us a good idea of what sort of outfits they were considering for the web-slinger before settling on the more traditional outfit Garfield wore in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN.

Take a look:

While they do look pretty bad ass, I don't think they would have fit in the world Marc Webb created in his movie. The designs look like they might have been inspired by Spidey's costume from the Spider-Man 2099 comics, which is kind of cool, but once again, wouldn't have really worked for this film. Still, very interesting to see the different options Sony was looking at for Spider-Man's costume in their reboot.

You can check out Spidey in his "normal" costume in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 on May 2nd, 2014.

Published by
Jesse Giroux