Categories: Movie News

Check out three new images from Edgar Wright’s Baby Driver

Edgar Wright, we need you! Thanks to ANT-MAN taking up much of his time over the past few years (which made it all the more heart-breaking when he departed the project), it's been nearly four years since an Edgar Wright film last graced our screens. Thankfully, his next project, BABY DRIVER, is set to be released later this year. The upcoming film, which Wright has had on his mind for some time, deals with "a young, talented getaway driver who relies on the beat of his personal soundtrack to be the best. After being coerced into working for a crime boss, he must face the music when a doomed heist threatens his life, love and freedom."

The folks over at Cut Print Film have got their hands on three new images from BABY DRIVER, which you can check out below.

Ansel Elgort stars as a near mute getaway driver with an ear condition known as Baby, who is coerced by a crime boss known as Doc (Kevin Spacey) to work for him. Additional members of BABY DRIVER's cast include Jon Hamm as Buddy, Eiza Gonzalez as Darling, Buddy's girlfriend and partner-in-crime, Jamie Foxx as Bats, the impulsive gun-slinging cohort, and Lily James as Deborah, Baby's love interest. Wright has described BABY DRIVER as an "action crime film" which, although it is funny in places, is not a comedy. It will feature an awful lot of music however.

I always wanted to do an action movie that was powered by music. It’s something that’s very much a part of my previous films and I thought of this idea of how to take that a stage further by having a character who listens to music the entire time. So, you have this young getaway driver who has to soundtrack his entire existence, particularly the bank robberies and fast getaways that come afterwards. It’s quite a wide range of music, though. There’s about 35 songs in the movie and they range from very famous to more obscure. It’s supposed to reflect the character’s extremely eclectic taste in music.

BABY DRIVER will hit theaters on August 11, 2017.

Published by
Kevin Fraser