Categories: Movie News

Chris Pratt says he wants to do Jurassic World; comments on getting in shape for Guardians of the Galaxy

Chris Pratt is set to explode next year. I'm sure there's some doubt about that from some, but after seeing the SDCC teaser for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and being a fan of his work on Parks and Recreation, I have a feeling that Pratt will be a household name by the close of 2014. It wasn't always that way as Pratt hasn't always carried the visage of the "strong leading man" standard, but his attitude in approaching the opportunites presented to him have opened many doors to bigger and better projects, like next summer's space epic from Marvel. Speaking to, Pratt commented on the process of becoming a superhero, saying.

"James Gunn believed I was that guy – I just didn't look like him yet. I was still about 280 pounds [just coming off of DELIVERY MAN]. They said: be honest with us. Do you think you can get in shape? I said I know I can."

Pratt transformed his body within five months, preparing for the role of a lifetime as Starlord, the leader of the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, and has now seen a wealth of new opportunities comes his way, including a lead role in director Colin Trevorrow's JURASSIC WORLD.

"I am now in contention for roles no one would have considered me for before," said Pratt, who confirmed that he's in the running for a role in the not-a-reboot follow up.

"I know I want to do it and I know the director wants me to do it so now it's just a matter of everyone coming together and making sure it can work."

Pratt has that rare crossover appeal, where he can play comedic, dramatic, and yet still deliver as an action hero, as most recently demonstrated in ZERO DARK THIRTY. It feels like there's growing shift to cast newer faces in leading roles and it's a breath of fresh air. As we make way for the next generation of stars, I think Pratt will be a welcome addition to marquee status. Here's to hoping he gets the part.

JURASSIC WORLD is set to open on June 12, 2015 and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY launches to the big screen on August 01, 2014.

Published by
Paul Shirey