Categories: Movie News

Christoph Waltz directs his first feature about love

Possibly the coolest guy on the planet right now, Christoph Waltz is planning on taking another role. This time as a director.

His feature directing debut will be for a film titled, AUF UND DAVON, which translates as UP AND AWAY. It’s loosely based on Meike Winnemuth and Peter Praschl’s German-language novel of the same name. Waltz wrote the script and might star in movie as well.

The story is about a merciless woman who is host of a dating show. She finds herself in over her head when she realizes that she has feelings for one of the contestants.

DAVON is for Fox International Productions. Gabriela Bacher, who oversees Fox International in Germany said this about the project, “This love story reflects Christoph’s formidable sense of humor.” The film will not necessarily be seen outside of German-speaking countries. Fox executives first discussed this with Waltz shortly after the premiere of INGLOURIOUS BASTEREDS at Cannes. Waltz has been working on the script for a bit now, and previously did some directing work for television.

The next time we see Waltz will be in THE GREEN HORNET, then with Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon in WATER FOR ELEPHANTS.

Published by
Niki Stephens