Categories: Horror Movie News

Chucky returns for another sequel

CURSE OF CHUCKY proved that there's plenty of life left in the CHUCKY franchise, and it looks like horror fans could be in store for even more as creator Don Mancini took to twitter today and hinted at a seventh film. See for yourselves:

Before you get too worked up, remember that this doesn't necessarily mean anything has been greenlit by Universal just yet, but what it could suggest is that Mancini has started work on the screenplay and that it will center around Alice. Hopefully, if a part 7 does happen, it will offer us another solid entry in the franchise because seeing this little bastard causing all sorts of trouble never gets old.

If you still haven't seen the latest installment, CURSE OF CHUCKY, be sure to grab yourself a copy of it on Blu-ray right HERE.

Published by
Ryan Miller