Categories: Movie News

Clever new Black Mirror ad says 2020 is actually Season 6

For years, people have referred to eerie or surreal events in the news as feeling like The Twilight Zone. If that's true, well then the BBC/Netflix series BLACK MIRROR is the 21st century equivalent of Rod Serling's classic anthology. With so much happening in the world today that defies all logic, BLACK MIRROR feels more prescient than ever. As it happens, Netflix is taking advantage of our unnerving reality and has released a perfectly timed advertisement that echoes how we all feel about pandemics, riots, protests, Tiger Kings, and murder hornets.

The advertisement's design hails from the Madrid-based creative ad agency Brother, who for the promo suggest that we're all starring in the latest season of Charlie Brooker's BLACK MIRROR.

The outdoor campaign can be found affixed to Madrid bus stops, where the advert's mirrored surface reflects our own haunted reality. For an added bit of grim humor, the promo allows those who walk in front of its reflective surface to take selfies, all while the words “Black Mirror 6th Season. Live Now, everywhere” hang above their heads like a doomsday halo.

Regardless of there being ads for the sixth season of BLACK MIRROR out in the wild, Brooker has said that his unsettling anthology series is currently on hold. While some would assume that the delay is linked to the coronavirus pandemic, they'd only be half right. During a recent chin-wag with Radio Times, Brooker explained that now doesn't feel like the right time to release a series that's dystopian in nature.

“At the moment, I don’t know what stomach there would be for stories about societies falling apart, so I’m not working away on one of those,” he confessed. “I’m sort of keen to revisit my comic skill set, so I’ve been writing scripts aimed at making myself laugh.”

Welp, in addition to keeping my own head above water, I'm going to have to start looking for hidden cameras, aren't I? After all, it's entirely possible that BLACK MIRROR could film portions of Season 6 using drone technology. In other words, if you see something suspicious up in the sky, maybe give it a wave and shout an enthusiastic hello to your loved ones.

Published by
Steve Seigh