Categories: Movie News

Clip round-up: Despicable Me 2, This is the End, and After Earth

In order to maximize your enjoyment, I’ve rounded up a few of the new clips making the rounds today, including new peeks from DESPICABLE ME 2, THIS IS THE END, and AFTER EARTH. First up is DESPICABLE ME 2 with a look at Gru’s (Steve Carell) dating life as he attempts to avoid an undesirable by using his adopted daughter to relay his excuses for not being home. It’s actually pretty funny and well in line with the previous film’s humor, which is perfectly suited for the old and young.


Next up is a clip from AFTER EARTH, the M. Night Shyamalan sci-fi pic starring Will and Jaden Smith. In the clip, Jaden Smith is trekking through the forest, while his father tracks him from their downed spacecraft. As a lifeform approaches, Will attempts to guide his son in the confrontation.

Don’t move:

Lastly, we have a clip from the ensemble comedy THIS IS THE END, which sees James Franco, Craig Robinson, Seth Rogen, Danny McBride, Jay Baruschel, and Jonah Hill comforting a distressed Emma Watson, who has a theory on just what kind of apocalypse they’re dealing with.

It’s Zombies:

DESPICABLE ME 2 hits theaters on July 3, 2013, AFTER EARTH hits on June 7, 2013, and THIS IS THE END debuts on June 12, 2013.

Published by
Paul Shirey