Categories: Horror Movie News

Clive Barker officially attached to Hellraiser documentary Leviathan

Back in May we shared an early trailer for the upcoming documentary LEVIATHAN: THE STORY OF HELLRAISER AND HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER II with you, learning that the doc has been in production since November of 2013 and will feature dozens of interviews with cast and crew members from the two genre classics. Now we've gotten word that HELLRAISER creator and writer & director of the original film Clive Barker himself has become officially attached to this independently produced project, offering to give his insight into the creation of the films that spawned a franchise.

Producer Gary Smart says of landing Barker's involvement:

“When Clive signed up we were over the moon. The thirty something other cast and crew members have been amazing to speak to giving us such insights and we couldn’t have made the film without them, but without Clive’s voice as well I’m not sure how definite we could claim this documentary is.”

The interviews with Barker are scheduled to happen in August.

Director K. John McDonagh also shared:

“Interviewing Clive is not only important to the success of the documentary, but it’s also an amazing chance to converse with a creative and inspiring genius who shares a passion for the art of filmmaking. The tales and stories we’ve heard about Clive from the cast and crew have shown us how respected and loved he is. The depth and quality of his work also demonstrates just how talented the man is, so meeting him and interviewing him would not only be a great achievement for the documentary, it’d be an honour as filmmaker”


Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II is a feature length documentary uncovering the history, making of and unknown details of the making of Clive Barker’s Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II films. With interviews and testimonies from those most closely involved, we hope to bring a comprehensive insight to these classic cult films. Following the story of the films from their inception through production to release and the their subsequent lives and growing fan base, we aim to show fans and those less familiar with the films both the technical skills, the creative idea, the symbolism and the legacy of these movies. Delving deep into the director’s vision and ambitions for the project we’ll be exploring where he came from, where his career had taken him and the inspiration for the story and world he created. We’ll be telling the story of his journey of making them and how close they came to his vision at the time and how he feels about them over 25 years later.

For more info, head over to the doc's official site HERE.

Published by
Kevin Woods