Categories: Movie News

Cloudy 2: Revenge of the Leftovers gobbles up a release date and spits out a synopsis

CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS did better than just about anybody ever expected, both critically and commercially, and a sequel has been in the works for a fair while. But it won’t be a prequel as was previously reported, but rather a direct sequel that brings our hero Flint Lockwood back to where it all began.

“In the wake of the disastrous food storm at the end of the first movie, Flint Lockwood and friends are forced to leave their town of Swallow Falls. But when it is discovered that sentient food beasts have overrun the island, they are asked to return to save the world…again.”

Alright, alright – I’d say I’m eating up what they’re putting out.  Sounds like a good time, “sentient food beasts” especially (can’t wait to see those creature designs), and you can catch all the food-tastic action for yourself on February 7th, 2014.

Published by
Alejandro Stepenberg