C’mon Hollywood #145

… don’t go out like that Sean Connery!
by Sturdy

I never believe anyone when they say they’re going to retire. I think Michael Jordan ruined the whole “retirement” thing for me, but now it seems like everyone who ever claims to retire always manages to make a “comeback”. Every musician from Jay-Z to Garth Brooks has managed to come back after a retirement and don’t even get me started on athletes. Heck, even my grandpa retired and then went back to work. But it’s rare that you see a movie star retire. Usually, they just stop getting offers and then…well…die. One exception to the rule is the great Sean Connery, who at 77 years old is still getting offered roles even though he’s retired.

There’re a lot of actors and actresses out there that I wish would retire, but Sean Connery isn’t one of them. But if he is truly going to retire, I wish it wasn’t after LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMAN. It wasn’t a horrible film, but I know he and Stephen Norrington had a lot of problems on set and I think that prevented the film from being what it could have been. However, I will always blame it as the film that disillusioned Sean Connery so much with movies that he decided retirement would be better than making more films. It reminds me of how all my ex-girlfriends are now lesbians.

It wasn’t bad, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.

I thought for sure he’d come back for INDIANA JONES AND PLEASE DON’T LET THIS BE ANOTHER TEMPLE OF DOOM, but he even turned that down. Although, I have to proclaim that I still expect him to make a cameo appearance. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, and I don’t care what anyone has said, I think he’ll pop up at some point. Of course, I said the same thing about Julia Roberts in OCEAN’S 13. However, I just don’t think you can turn down the Bearded One.

I, for one, won’t be surprised if he pops up at some point.

But if he isn’t going to show up in Indy 4, then he’s got to find something that’s worthy to call his last film. I like how Paul Newman has said he wants to find the perfect film to do with Robert Redford for his last film and Connery needs to follow suit. He needs something that his fans can look back on and be proud to call his last film. What about a cameo in the next Bond film? It could be homage to where he got his big start. I’m sure the perfect Connery finale is out there somewhere, I just hope he doesn’t let it pass him by.

I’m sure a big part of my desire to see Connery back on the screen is the fact that I’ve been a big fan of his for such a long time. He’s one of the coolest people in Hollywood and has been great in everything he’s been in. Sean Connery is one of the legends of the big screen and I think he still has at least one great performance left in him. So c’mon Connery, get back on the silver screen one last time!

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