Categories: Movie News

Colin Firth offered the role of the villain in the Oldboy remake

As it stands, Spike Lee and Josh Brolin are the only ones on the OLDBOY remake. Brolin will play the lead role, which in the original is that of Oh-Dae-su. The American name for that character has not been revealed yet. Brolin will be kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years. After being released, he goes out to find the person who put him away. So who will possibly be playing that role?

According to Twitch, an offer has been handed out to Colin Firth. Firth would step into the villainous role of Adrian, who in the original is Lee Woo-jin. I know many of you out there have seen Park Chan-wook’s version, but for those who haven’t I’d rather not spoil the details of that character. If you haven’t seen it, do so now. I can’t tell you what to do, but I highly recommend it. I have no idea how this American version is going to come out and it’s better that you see how brilliant the original is.

If this is all true, the role would be quite demanding. Though the actor who played the villain in the original is quite younger, it was initially intended for Korean actor Han Suk-kyu who is actually around the same age as Firth.

Does Firth’s possible involvement help you in your decision to see it? Or are you still wanting it to go away? Or maybe just Spike Lee to go away?

Published by
Niki Stephens