Categories: Movie News

Seth Rogen plans to throw another Sausage Party (Comic Con 2016)

I remember hearing about SAUSAGE PARTY years ago, when it was in its earliest stages—all the way back in 2010. I figured it would be like all of Rogen’s other movies, which are R-rated for sure but not for things you wouldn’t find in your typical adult comedy.  But after reading how much fun these guys had making this movie, and all the devious perversions they were able to indulge in, I can honestly say that I think this movie is going to break the world. And after it does, Seth Rogen plans on going in for seconds.

In fact, after a screening of the adult, animated flick at Comic-Con, Rogen couldn’t have been blunter about his intentions for the future of the Sausage Party universe (a.k.a. SPCU):

This was the first time we ended a movie with the intention of making another one. We want to make sausage-talking movies for the rest of our lives.

Rogen went on to talk about the MPAA, and how he and the rest of his team—using their demented food-related sex scenes—left the normally scrupulous organization completely stumped.

I really don’t think the MPAA knew how to handle this film.

And in regards to a particular hardcore bagel-on-bread sex scene:

There were a lot of May Days and fluids. Our original version was eight minutes longer.

When Sammy the Bagel [voiced by Edward Norton] takes his testicles over his face, the MPAA said to just remove a few hairs.

There was even a scene where the movie's villain, Douche, does deplorable things to a group of rabbits, but that was apparently a no-go with test audiences. But that hopefully won’t stop this gang of misfit filmmakers, as Rogen talked a bit about the much hoped-for unrated version:

Well, we could show the extended orgy scene.

Please do.

But I guess Rogen and team weren’t the only dirty-minded ones, as they and the animators working together seemed like sexually-demented peas in a sex-swing pod:

Animators are sick people. From all the Disney movies you hear these rumors of dirty perversions oozing onto the screen.

That’s not all, because the goodies just keep on coming like we’re in the damn candy aisle! Last night, Sony put out a second red-band trailer for the movie, and this time it’s even more depraved than the first. We also get a better look at the assorted food items, which in itself presents a fun game of “Who’s That Voice?” Enjoy!

On August 12 the world will witness was is hopefully the most outrageous R-rated movie in history, one that will definitely sort out the weirdos from the rest of us. By that I mean there are probably people looking forward to that bagel sex scene more than the rest of us.

Published by
Matt Rooney