Categories: Movie News

Comic Con: Pics from outside the Con!

It’s that time of the year again my friends and the madness has begun as the 2014 SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL has officially kicked into high-gear on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon. The JoBlo team arrived and we went straight to work to bring our loyal fans only the best coverage possible. So stay tuned as we bring you more exclusive coverage over the course of this week and enjoy.

As is the case every year, we always love to start with all the sweet promotional material that is featured on the surrounding hotels and convention centre itself and you can bet your ass it definitely wasn’t lacking this year. From “Goosebumps” to the TV series “Constantine” to even “Sharknado 2”, there was plenty to be seen and we’ve got tons of photos below of what we saw. Enjoy!


Published by
Nick Bosworth