Categories: Movie News

Con: Collector Int!

Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan have been making a bit of a splash in
horror lately. While the latest SAW didn’t work for me, they are back for more
with the screenplay for SAW 6. And now, they have a brand new tale of terror to
tell. THE COLLECTOR is about a thief who has poor taste in the places he robs.
Both Patrick and Marcus promise this latest effort to be a thriller with a
steady dose of horror, they are looking forward to people seeing the film. These
two gentlemen were kind enough to spare us some time to talk about both The
Collector and what we can look forward to in Saw 6. It was a pleasure to talk
shop with them, and I look forward to checking out their latest. The Collector
will be coming soon to a theatre near you.

Published by
The Arrow