Categories: Movie News

CON: Costume FAIL Gallery

The costumes at the annual San Diego Comic Convention can easily be broken down into two categories. The first category is made up of people who have, undoubtedly, spent weeks to months constructing their costumes. Honestly, the level of detail in the costumes as well as the material that goes into creating these costumes can be summed up in one word: AWESOME. Or IMPRESSIVE. All right, that’s too words that it can be summed up in. [Ed. note: and we’ll have a 10 Spot with the Best Comic-Con Costumes coming this week.]

The second category of costumes can be summed up in one word: FAIL. These are the people that slapped together an outfit without any effort or game plan. They simply said, “I’m gonna slap some white shit on my face, grab a cape and I’m good to go.” Not only is it piss poor planning, but to steal a word from thirty years ago “lame.”

So let’s bring out the FAILdozer for COMIC CON COSTUME FAILS!

Holy shit, it’s a Billy Idol costume! “In the midnight hour, she cried ‘FAIL, FAIL, FAIL!'”

Is this bizarro Superman? If so, FAILure to Launch.

Boy or Girl? The answer is C, and C means FAIL.

“For those about to FAIL, we salute you.”

“You know what I’ll do? Throw on a cape and blend in. ‘Here I come to FAIL the dayyyyyy.'”

Three douchebags in horrible costumes. It’s “The FAIL of Desperaux.”

(photo by El Guapo from What….IS….this? I bet he still has AOL. “You’ve got FAIL.”

This “Wolverine” showed up in tights and that’s it, no effort at all. “X-Men: United (in FAILure)”.

Not a costume but a sweet pic nonetheless. Aww, adorable! “Rockabye FAILy on the treetop….”

Close Encounters of the FAIL kind.

Can you play, “Girl, you’ll be a FAILure soon”?

Sometimes a costume is so good, it really hits the FAIL on the head.

While uploading pics, the server said “Fuck you” and denied me. It’s late, having tech problems, starting to feel like a dog chasing it’s own FAIL.

Published by
Johnny Moreno