Categories: Movie News

Conan’s Ufaka is MMA behemoth Bob Sapp

Just a few days after we heard that Mickey Rourke was going to be playing Conan’s father, we have new news from the film, that the villainous role of Ufaka has been cast. Latino Review is reporting that the role has gone to the giant wall of muscle that people call “Bob Sapp,” an MMA fighter and probably one of the most terrifying human beings I’ve ever seen. Look into his eyes. LOOK AT THEM.

WWE wrestler Shad Gaspard was supposed to be circling the role, but I guess the producers took a look at him and said, “Good, but can we DOUBLE HIM IN SIZE?”

Here’s the official description for Ufaka, think Sapp qualifies?

Ukafa is in his 30s-40, very dark-skinned African or African American, massively framed at six-foot-five, gold-toothed, hardened by a lifetime of war, a leader of Kushite Tribemen from the savannahs of Kush. Ukafa is Khalar Singh’s second in command, jealous that Singh’s son, Fariq, will one day be warlord. He obeys his leader but plots the overthrow of his son. He is a mighty warrior and unbeatable in battle—until he comes face to face with Conan.

I hope Jason Momoa is doing some serious weight training right about now.

Published by
Paul Tassi