Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Gear: Cavity Colors’ The Fly tee

In just a couple of days, on Thursday February 27th, the cool folks over at Cavity Colors will be releasing a brand new t-shirt paying homage to David Cronenberg's sci-fi classic THE FLY. It also happens to have the best title ever: Vomit Drop. I'm loving this design; it captures the very essence of what makes THE FLY so f*cking awesome as the entire shirt is practically dripping with gooey innards. The shirt was created by Aaron Crawford, here's what he had to say:

I wanted to mostly focus on the idea of how bizarre it is that a House Fly can taste with their feet, and also regurgitate stomach enzymes into solid foods in order to liquify, and consume it. This process is called VOMIT DROP. Because a Fly does not have teeth to chew, this is the only way they can consume its food.

You will be able to pre-order both the shirt and the print this Thursday, February 27th so be sure to keep a close eye on Cavity Colors' website if you want to snag one.

Published by
Ryan Miller