Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Gear: Hellraiser III shirts from Fright Rags

I make it no secret that Anthony Hickcox's HELLRAISER III: HELL ON EARTH is one of my favorite "unloved" horror sequels. I only saw the film earlier this year and was blown away by how no one told me how good the damn movie was.

With that in mind, I'd like to share with you guys Fright Rags new HELLRAISER III t-shirt collection, featuring some truly awesome artwork that is a must for fans of the third HELLRAISER like myself.

You can scroll through the pics of the shirts below and then make sure to let us know how much you love (or hate) HELLRAISER III on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!


After learning in "Hellraiser II" that he used to be British air force Capt. Elliot Spencer (Doug Bradley) — before he was sucked into another dimension and turned into the pain-craving creature known as Pinhead — Spencer's soul ends up in limbo. Meanwhile, Pinhead is sealed in a column, which is bought by J.P. Monroe (Kevin Bernhardt). In a dream, reporter Joey Summerskill (Terry Farrell) learns from Spencer she must reunite his two halves to send the murderous Pinhead back to his world.

Pick up your HELLRAISER III shirts right HERE.

Published by
Mike Sprague