Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Gear: Jason and Freddy cuddly pillows from Horror Decor

Ever want to snuggle up to Freddy or Jason without worrying about the bloody consequences? First of all, they’re fictional characters, so stop worrying. Second of all, now you can, albeit with slightly friendlier versions.

Courtesy of Horror Decor come these cuddly “Horror Buddies” pillows, which you can see below. Freddy and Jason are represented, of course, but so are Farmer Vincent from Motel Hell, the zombie baby from Dead Alive and an evil clown (from no movie in particular).

The big Horror Buddies are 21″ tall, while the small ones are 13″. These fluffy monsters are handmade, so shipping usually takes 3-4 weeks. Worth the wait!

Published by
Eric Walkuski