Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Gear: Terror Threads Evil Dead/Texas Chainsaw Massacre mash-up

Like everyone else on the planet, I love a good horror movie mash-up. 

On top of loving mash-ups, I love Sam Raimi's THE EVIL DEAD even more. And on top of that, I love Tobe Hopper's THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE even more!

Maybe… EVIL DEAD vs CHAINSAW MASSACRE is a tough one…

Anyhow, today I want to share with you guys this awesome mash-up art I found by way of Terror Threads. The company is currently slapping the art on not only t-shirts, but phone covers, coffee mugs, and a whole bunch of other shite.

You can peep all the pics out below and then head on over to Terror Threads and pick up a t-shirt and a couple bits of this other swag and impress all your cool friends with this pimp art.

Before you do that though, make sure to head on over to your favorite social media platform and let us know what YOU think of this amazing EVIL DEAD 2 / CHAINSAW MASSACRE mash-up art, which I'm referring to as THE CHAINSAW DEAD, on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!

How is THE CHAINSAW DEAD not a movie??


Alexandra Daddario starred in TEXAS CHAINSAW 3DD

Published by
Mike Sprague