Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Videos: Arnold Schwarzenegger takes Hollywood as the T-800

Arnold Schwarzenegger recently hit the streets of Hollywood in the wardrobe, and battle wounds, of the Terminator, and has posted a video showing highlights from his day of interacting with fans, tourists, and cosplayers.

The whole video is fun to watch, but my favorite parts are when he poses as a wax statue of himself at Madame Tussaud's Wax Attraction, coming to life at just the right moments to scare people.

All of this was done for a good cause. The video is promotion for a contest to win a trip to the premiere of TERMINATOR: GENISYS with Schwarzenegger, and each $10 entry into the contest benefits the After-School All-Stars charity. If you'd like to help after-school programs and get a chance to drink Schnapps with the Governator, you can enter the contest here

Published by
Cody Hamman