Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Videos: Creating the Ripley clones from Alien: Resurrection

Say what you will about ALIEN: RESURRECTION, but there's no denying the brilliant practical effects work by studioADI who delivered some amazing creatures as well as a bunch of wicked clones of Ripley. And lucky for us, the talented folks over at studioADI have just released this fantastic behind-the-scenes video featuring over 6 minutes worth of pure horror gold. One of the most fascinating things about the horror genre is all the hard work that goes into bringing these terrifying creatures to life. The video pulls back the curtain and sheds some light on how studioADI pulled it all off.

For nearly every film, once designs are approved by production the chosen designs then move on to be sculpted in clay. Here is a special look back at the sculpting phase of ALIEN RESURRECTION and the Ripley clone aborations ADI created for the film.

Check it out below and tell us what you think!

Published by
Ryan Miller