Categories: Movie News

Cool new Edge of Tomorrow featurettes showcase Exo Suit details

In this day and age when CGI seems like a “lazy way out”, I think most moviegoers appreciate the time spent to do practical effects. Even if we know that spaceship doesn’t exist, the eye can tell if it’s computer generated or a model, and that lends a lot of weight to selling the “reality” of it. With that said, I think a lot of folks will also appreciate the fact that they actually built and used the Exo Suits in the upcoming EDGE OF TOMORROW. Warner Bros. has dropped three featurettes our way detailing some behind-the-scenes aspects of the film. The first (my favorite) showcases building and acclimating the actors to the Exo Suits. The second and third go over Tom Cruise‘s dedication to the role (as if anyone would question that at this point), as well as what convinced Doug Liman to take on the gig as director.

Check out the details here:

Given that Tom Cruise has been in some of my favorite films, I became really excited back when I heard he signed up for two Science Fiction projects in OBLIVION and EDGE OF TOMORROW. While the overall familiarity with OBLIVION kept me from fully enjoying it’s premise (MOON much?), I feel that EDGE OF TOMORROW is just what the doctor ordered. Every little piece of the puzzle I’m seeing for this movie tells me that that the complete picture will be a lot of fun. Fortunately, we wont have to wait too much longer to find out.

EDGE OF TOMORROW will arrive in theaters on June 6, 2014.

Published by
Sean Wist