Categories: Movie News

Cool Pics From Around the Web: Godzilla 2 wraps, #PuberMe, Clarke wraps Solo

We live in an age of sharing, where every moment is captured and sent into the world for liking, commenting, judging and making us feel like we have more friends than we do. As a result, the world seems so much smaller than it is, and one revolution to come out of the social media age is that we can connect with some of our icons and heroes with the click of a button, getting a glimpse into the elusive world of the show business. Here with the feature Cool Pics From Around the Web we will assemble some of the coolest, funniest, and possibly revealing photographs of the week from some of the world’s biggest stars. Don’t worry, no food pics in sight…unless someone made a dope cake in the shape of R2-D2.

This week's assortment of Cool Pics is a random lot indeed, with a couple glimpses at the final days of filming for the HAN SOLO movie and GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS. The latter completed shooting in Atlanta this week, while actress Emilia Clarke finished principal photography on HAN, giving us a glimpse at her character. Other than that this is a random and silly bunch a' pics, featuring Michael Rooker hanging out with Dick Van Dyke, proving he is indeed Mary Poppins; DEADPOOL 2's Ryan Reynolds and Julian Dennison (HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE) celebrating Red Nose Day; Mark Hamill showing off some delicious-looking STAR WARS cakes (I did say that was a possibility in the above paragraph, did I not?); Sylvester Stallone performing THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME in college; Horror icon Tom Savini finding some 30-year-old movie blood and; the late Hugh Hefner having some supper with some PLANET OF THE APES characters. Closing it out, actor Nick Kroll enlisted his famous friends to use the hashtag #PuberMe to draw attention to relief for Puerto Rico, which is recovering from a recent hurricane strike, by posting pics of them themselves during their puberty stage. There are some hilariously embarrassing photos of actors and celebrities like Conan O'Brien, Weird Al Yankovic, Stephen Colbert, Kyle Mooney (BRIGSBY BEAR) and more!


Published by
Matt Rooney