Categories: Movie News

Cool Pics From Around the Web: Star Wars toys, Nebula’s face, Aladdin cast

We live in an age of sharing, where every moment is captured and sent into the world for liking, commenting, judging and making us feel like we have more friends than we do. As a result, the world seems so much smaller than it is, and one revolution to come out of the social media age is that we can connect with some of our icons and heroes with the click of a button, getting a glimpse into the elusive world of the show business. Here with the feature Cool Pics From Around the Web we will assemble some of the coolest, funniest, and possibly revealing photographs of the week from some of the world’s biggest stars. Don’t worry, no food pics in sight…unless someone made a dope cake in the shape of R2-D2.

This week's recap of cool pics features a silly bunch of pics from some of your favorite stars. Jack Black used the magic of Photoshop to reimagine himself as Sirius Black in HARRY POTTER, and you'll never be the same. As well, Mark Hamill found a special version of a LAST JEDI toy, Dwayne Johnson gets ready to go John McClane in a SKYSCRAPER pic, Karen Gillan showed off her Nebula face after it's removed, and Mark Ruffalo continues to tease his fight vs. Chris Hemsworth in THOR: RAGNAROK. Best of all, and though it doesn't involve any BTS glimpses, Patrick Stewart and SILICON VALLEY's Thomas Middleditch have been hilariously trolling each other using Photoshop and cheap stock photos. Who knew P-Stew had such a vicious tongue?

Published by
Matt Rooney