Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Video: Animal Crossing horror spoof Don’t Peek!

So this is fun! Filmmaker Julian Terry has written, produced, shot, edited, and directed this fun horror parody of ANIMAL CROSSING, called DON'T PEEK! It's about a gamer who finds out that whatever she makes her ANIMAL CROSSING character do, it affects her real life surroundings, which is cute at first…until it turns out her character and herself are no longer alone… 

Meanwhile, you can watch the suprisingly effective and spooky short at the top of the article! And here's the full cast/credits:

Written/DP'd/Edited/Colored/Produced/Directed by Julian Terry

Produced/Gaffed/Zozo by Alexander Anderson

Starring Katie C'etta

Sound Design by Christina Gonzalez

Score by Alex Winkler

Flame Artist Tim Hendrix

Sprite Artist Eric Bradford

Additional VFX by Narendra Kumar Moond, Shivani JIndal, Jatin Jindal Rajan Balana, Komal Rajput, Nagendra Moond, Nitasha, Tarun, manish.

So what do you guys think? Any fans of ANIMAL CROSSING? If so, how did you feel about it dipping into horror? Either way, sound off below!



Published by
Damion Damaske