Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Video: Halloween is Canceled sees Michael Myers in an empty Haddonfield

So this is fun! Indie filmmaker Andrew Kasch – who directed the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET documentary NEVER SLEEP AGAIN – has produced a 3-minute comedy sketch for the short film club "Just Scare Me" about Michael Myers dealing with a post-Covid Haddonfield that cancelled Halloween. Here's the official synopsis: 

With everyone in their houses and not out trick-or-treating due to the pandemic, serial killer Michael Myers – or "The Shape" – suddenly doesn't know what to do with himself…that is until he meets an insufferable "Karen" who criticizes him for wearing a mask and spouting off politically-charged conspiracy theories. Luckily Michael knows how to deal with her…

Now, what's nice about this short, is that it is actually shot in the same exact locations as John Carpenter's first HALLOWEEN from 1978, giving the short a nice air of authenticity. On top of that, it also has a really important message to tell, besides simply being a fun goof-em-up.

Anyway, what do you guys think? And do you have any plans for this Halloween? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske