Categories: JoBlo Originals

Cool Videos: Arnold Schwarzenegger farts everywhere, all the time

I’m not going to even pretend that I’m above a fart joke. Do they all work? No, of course not. There is a subtle art . . . to the fart. However, this compilation takes the “AIRPLANE approach” in that it’s just going to throw everything at you, in hopes that some will stick. I’ll be damned if it didn’t get me a few times (mostly the CONAN stuff), but why not end the week with an Arnold Schwarzenegger-sized bang?

Check this out, if you feel so inclined:

My father’s said that I was rolling in the aisles during Jeff Daniels‘ infamous toilet scene in DUMB AND DUMBER, so clearly I have been subjected to the “fart joke” at an early age. Does it still work for you?

Published by
Sean Wist