Categories: TV Reviews

Cool Videos: Back to the Future prequel trailer – 1.21 Gigawatts

There are a numbers of questions you can raise when watching BACK TO THE FUTURE. How did Marty McFly even become friends? What’s the story with the fire that burned down Doc’s mansion? And how did Doc Brown come into contact with a bunch of Libyans who were convinced he could build them a bomb in exchange for plutonium?

The last question aims to be answered by Tyler Hopkins, who has pieced together a fan-cut trailer for the imaginary prequel to BACK TO THE FUTURE, 1.21 GIGAWATTS. Using footage of Christopher Lloyd in a few other movies as well as some clips that could be repackaged as the Libyans working through their terrorist network, Hopkins has created a film that may not be like BACK TO THE FUTURE tonally, but would make for an interesting watch to learn how we got to a major point in time travel happening.

Published by
Billy Donnelly