Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Banksy directs The Simpsons opening credits

I haven’t watched a Sunday night episode of “The Simpsons” in probably 7 or 8 years (maybe longer) but last night’s episode featured a guest-director stint from legendary street artist Banksy (subject of the documentary EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP) that was remarkable for its audacity. I don’t want to talk too much about it, so watch the clip first, then catch me after and we’ll discusss.

So yeah. Probably about the most depressing thing you’ll see during Fox’s animation block. So how did the piece, the first ever on “The Simpsons” by an outside artist, actually make it to air? The BBC is reporting that the credit sequence was set to air earlier this year but internal disputes at Fox and NewsCorp caused a number of delays. It was only when the creative team at “The Simpsons,” which had given Banksy free reign, threatened a walkout. In typical subversive “Simpsons” fashion, exec producer Al Jean told the BBC, “This is what you get when you outsource.”

How did you feel after watching the clip? Did you enjoy it as art? Was it thought-provoking? Did you find it to be a cheap attempt at controversy? Strike Back below!

Published by
Mike Sampson