Categories: Movie News

COOL VIDEOS: Batman and Robin: The Musical!

I have a confession to make: I love BATMAN AND ROBIN.  This shouldn’t be too much of a surprise to many of you, because you probably feel the same way.  Now, let’s clarify; I love it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a good movie…at all. 

It’s a f*cking horrific movie. It’s an epic disaster that serves as a modernized version of the old TV show, only way more cheesy (if that’s even possible) and blatantly asinine.  I hate it so much that it is now one of my all-time favorite comedies. That hate has turned to love. 

Sometimes, it’s okay to love the things we hate.  And there it is.  Now, kick back and soak in Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze, serenading you on this fine evening with his magical voice in BATMAN AND ROBIN: THE MUSICAL.  Say it with me now; “Batman, you son of a beeeeaaaaaacchhhh.” 


Published by
Paul Shirey