Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Breaking Bad Illustrated Intro

While I wait ever so not patiently for the last half of season five of BREAKING BAD, I turn to the internet to entertain me with theories, photos, and whatever else is out there. Usually I just browse r/breakingbad on Reddit. Today I managed to find this gem on Buzzfeed.

Martin Woutisseth has created an awesome motion graphics intro for BREAKING BAD. He has done other videos for Tim Burton and Stanley Kubrick. I love his work and thought that fans of the series might enjoy it as well. This is some of what he had to say on creating the video:

After finished “Tim Burton – a filmography”, I was like a marathon man in the need to run again after the finish. I didn’t win the contest but I had a lot of great feedbacks from world wide and I’m glad that the fans enjoyed it. Like all my work, I treated the subject with lot of respect. Nowadays, that’s very common, but I’m also a big fan of the TV serie Breaking Bad. Since a friend adviced me to took a look three or four years ago, I started to become very addicted to the Vince Gilligan’s cook. To me, everything is great ! The scenario of course, the cast, the acting, the visual ideas, the atmosphere… Everything is just so awesome…

So I decide to just make a tribute to Walter White by making an illustration, and then it was missing Jesse Pinkman, so I made it after. Why not a bad guy ? So I made Gustavo,and etc etc. Until I had thirteen characters. From that step, I was thinking, why not to make an animation ? But I thought, only characters would be weak… And after, two filmography (Kubrick and Burton) both in the same style, I needed to create something more dynamic and rock and roll, by still keeping my style and improving my motion design skills. Backgrounds was interesting too to create. If you take a look on the show, there are very important between each scenes. I wanted to make feel the atmosphere of the New Mexico to the viewers, with the Usa and the Mexican influence.

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Published by
Niki Stephens