Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Breaking Bad meets Downton Abbey on Colbert!

Well, I’ve got a bit of a conundrum here, as I haven’t seen either Breaking Bad or Downton Abbey (aside from previews, etc.), but I won’t let that preclude me from sharing what is likely a pretty good mash-up of the two shows.  The segment aired on The Colbert Report and seeks to show the moody, atmospheric world of Breaking Bad with the uppity, tea-drenched environment of Downton Abbey.  It’s pretty funny, regardless of whether you’ve seen the shows or not (cut me some slack, I’m planning on starting Breaking Bad on Netflix soon…and planning on starting Downton Abbey never). 

While I’m sure Colbert himself will be dressed in robes and fake beard, while haunting local showings of THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, you can kick back and soak in the drug-laced world of Breaking Abbey.


Published by
Paul Shirey