Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Bwwaaaaammmm: The Inception Sound sitcom

We’ve all come to know and love (or hate) the fog horn blast sound effect that has populated the trailers for INCEPTION, BATTLESHIP, WORLD WAR Z, and STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS.  Like any trend, it can become annoying.  Or, it can become an institution.  The folks at The Midnight Show put together this little sketch, which proposes the concept of the INCEPTION sound being used in place of a laugh track, ultimately showing just how ridiculous Hollywood can get when they latch onto something and saturate the marketplace with it. 

I was a little skeptical at first, but these guys pull it off.  Clever, fun, and a nice satirical look at our newest friend who won’t go away: The INCEPTION sound. 


Published by
Paul Shirey