Categories: Movie News

Check out our awesome tribute to Breaking Bad: The Heisenberg Legacy!

AMC's Breaking Bad may be over, but its legacy lives on, as fans are still reeling from the epic finale, which has left most happily satisfied with the conclusion of the meth king saga. In fact, in our recent poll on the finale, 79% of you thought it was the perfect ending, while 15% of you thought it was just pretty good, leaving a paltry 6% unsatisfied or otherwise (see final results here). Those are some pretty damn fine numbers if you ask me. Now, to put the cherry on top of our Breaking Bad coverage and also to spell out our love of the mind-blowing series, our man Nick Bosworth has sliced up a beautiful ode to the series, entitled "The Heisenberg Legacy" which does justice to the show on every level, capturing the spirit, essence, and downright badassery that was Breaking Bad. So, sit back, settle in, and let your eyes and earholes soak in a wonderful tribute to one of the best shows every produced.

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Published by
Paul Shirey