Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Christian Swegal’s short film Stasis

Our original intent with our “Cool Videos” section was not just to put a spotlight on genuinely funny, hilariously retarded, or simply straight cool as shit movie-related videos. We also wanted to be an outlet to showcase budding filmmakers. Artists with self-made projects looking for an outlet to have their material seen. People with cool short films we feel are worth checking out.

Today we have just that. Filmmaker and reader Christian Swegal has put together an impressive 25-minute sci-fi/action short film called STASIS, featuring the likes of Reshad Strik, Beau Bridges, Ernie Hudson, and Rachel Specter. And everyone worked for free, with much of the stuff in the film having been donated in hopes of generating a quality product. Check it out!

If you see a cool video online you think would be perfect for this spotlight, drop us a line at

Published by
George Merchan