Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: George R.R. Martin spills some shocking Game of Thrones spoilers

As everyone has talked about this week, GAME OF THRONES featured the infamous Red Wedding scene this past week and the internet exploded with buzz regarding the scene that fans of author George R.R. Martin read over ten years ago. Martin visited Conan O’Brien‘s talk show to discuss the HBO version of the scene in a funny episode the other night.

During his visit, Martin was nice enough to film this video that claims to be a feature from the upcoming Blu-ray for GAME OF THRONES fourth season. The video contains “spoilers” for what is going to happen to the characters we have come to love and hate. In typical Conan fashion, the spoilers are hilarious and even Martin himself cannot help but chuckle.

GAME OF THRONES airs the third season finale this Sunday on HBO.

Published by
Alex Maidy