Categories: JoBlo Originals

Cool Videos: Jason Voorhees supercut of Friday The 13th kills

If you're going to ring in Friday the 13th the right way, you'd damn well better be sure it involves sifting through Jason Voorhees' wide assortment of kills and murders from throughout the franchise. I don't expect you to marathon the entire series in one day, but at least surround yourself with the overall vibe of everything the masked horror icon stands for, namely finding new and different ways to stab his victims-to-be.

Thanks to Chris Hebert, you have a stylized presentation of Jason in action to help get you through the day… but only the films that Paramount held the rights to. That means nothing from JASON GOES TO HELL and beyond… but really what's the difference? Death is death when it comes to these movies, and there is plenty to go around from the eight movies on display. Enjoy. 

Published by
Billy Donnelly