Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Animated Open Letter to J.J. Abrams: 4 Rules to Make Star Wars Great Again

Everyone has their own ideas on how to make STAR WARS: EPISODE VII a great film. In this animated open letter from TrumanPDX to J.J. Abrams, they keep their requests simple and reasonable.

The animated video is definitely worth your time especially if you are a fan of the franchise. But for those who want to know upfront how TrumanPDX could make STAR WARS better, here are the 4 rules:

Rule one: The setting is the frontier

Rule two: The future is old

Rule three: The force is mysterious

Rule four: Star Wars isn’t cute

Oh, and here’s a rule that didn’t make the cut according to writer Prescott Harvey who kind of sounds like Ryan Reynolds in the video:

“My favorite rule that didn’t make the cut is “The Jedi are Pacifists”. In the prequels, Qui Gon, Mace Windu and Yoda are a bunch of acrobatic ninjas with crazy special abilities. But what makes the original movies so interesting is that the Jedi (Yoda and Obiwan) are true pacifists. They refuse to fight, even to the point of death. Now, that doesn’t make them as interesting for the action sequences, but it really contrasts the good guys from the bad guys. It also made Luke’s internal struggle more compelling. Who do you choose, the morally sound boring guys, or the corrupt guys with all the awesome abilities? I think this rule really contributed to the strong mythology created in the original films. But it was difficult to explain this concept in twenty seconds of video. Plus I don’t speak for all fans on this one. Lots of people cite the Darth Maul lightsaber battles as the best part of ‘The Phantom Menace’.”

Check out the awesome animated video below.

Published by
Niki Stephens