Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Singin’ in the Rain/La La Land mix is as lovely as lovely gets

The big standout in the Oscar race this year is, undoubtedly, the musical LA LA LAND. The sweeping show-stopper with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone is an ode to old-school Hollywood filmmaking, especially musicals. One of the movies that’s been cited as an inspiration is the classic, SIGNIN’ IN THE RAIN with Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds, the latter having passed away only a month ago. But if you’ve been wondering how exactly LAND and RAIN would compare side-by-side, wonder no more, because YouTuber Unusual Suspect has done a fine job of mashing the two together. No, I don’t mean like mushing together a bunch of scenes like a musical meat loaf, but instead by playing the hit song, City of Stars, over the trailer for RAIN. The quiet, wistful tune plays perfectly over the more emotional bits from the footage, while giving the dance clips a bit of emotional weight, especially when the late Reynolds is on screen. God now I’m getting emotional. It’s all too much!

Published by
Matt Rooney